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Robotic Surgery

Robotic surgery is becoming increasingly popular due to the advantages of improved dexterity, precision and safety plus the inherent advantages of minimally invasive laparoscopic surgery.

The da Vinci® robotic surgical system is one of the popular and widely employed robotic systems in surgery and is used to perform surgical procedures in urology, general surgeries and other specialties of medicine. The da Vinci® system offers a minimally invasive alternative option to traditional open and laparoscopic surgery. Most of the complex urologic and gynaecologic surgical procedures may be performed with the da Vinci® robotic system. Traditional open surgery uses a large incision and patients may experience complications such as pain, damage to the surrounding organs and nerves and long recovery period. In contrast, the da Vinci® robotic system is the most effective and least invasive technique which ensures faster recovery with minimal pain and minimal risks as compared with traditional open surgery.

The Da Vinci Tm surgical system Robot is a master slave arrangement. It reproduces in the abdomen the actions of the hand and wrists of the surgeon while providing a high definition three dinmensional image of the operativ site.

While performing the surgical procedure your surgeon will be seated at the da Vinci® console and is able to view a magnified, high-resolution 3D image of the area to be operated. To access the surgical site your surgeon introduces miniaturized EndoWrist instruments through few tiny incisions. These instruments help your surgeon perform the procedure with precision and control. Your surgeon uses master controls that function similar to forceps and in turn da Vinci® responds by immediate translation of surgeon's directions into precise movements of miniaturised instruments

Robotic surgery has become a treatment option in urological, gynaecological, and numerous general surgical procedures. The da Vinci® surgical system is used to treat a range of urologic conditions including prostate cancer, kidney and bladder cancer, vesico-ureteral reflux.

The da Vinci® Robot System is considered safe and effective, but may not be appropriate for everyone. Always discuss with your doctor about all treatment options suitable for you, as well as the benefits and risks.

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